What's Happening...
Showing our support for Epilepsy Awareness Month-November 2019

Group shot from the NYSDA Dental Demonstration Project on March 9, 2019. Dr. Crofut joined her WNY colleagues, Dr. Brendan Dowd and Dr. Amy Bryan in Watertown, NY for this one day event to help improve access to dental care for underserved populations.

October 4-6, 2017 Buffalo Niagara Dental Convention

2017-After hours "Beyond the Operatory" team building/fun

Dr. Crofut and Melissa at the University of Buffalo School of Dental Medicine 125th Anniversary Gala. This was a great fundraiser for the school's scholarship program. They were on assignment as well, promoting social media and the 40th Birthday of this year's Buffalo Niagara Dental Meeting to be held October 4-6, 2017.

Please join us in officially welcoming Lynn (pictured on left) as the newest member of our team. She is the friendly voice you'll hear when you call and the first person you'll see when you enter our office. Lynn comes to us with loads of experience from previous "people focused" roles allowing her to fit in here perfectly. Welcome Lynn-we are happy you are with us!

Dr. Crofut pictured with her clinical team, Michelle, Eryn, RDH and Emily, RDH

 Dr. Crofut's "Team Building Day" in Ellicottville, New York-2013 |
   GOT MINE Dr. Crofut, Stephanie, RDH and Emily, RDH sharing smiles with their patients after receiving their oral cancer screening examinations during their preventive care appointments. We give every patient a "Got Mine" sticker after their evaluation. As a team, together with OCC we are lending our voice to raise national awareness about the importance of having bi-annual oral cancer screenings. Learn more about our partnership with OCC under the tab "Oral Cancer Cause" at the top of this page. |
 Melissa with Oral Cancer Cause Co-founder Linda Miles.We had the pleasure and honor of meeting Linda while she was in town for a Practice Management presentation at the Hotel @ Lafayette. |
  Our high school seniors "smiling at the world" with their new smiles! Looking good ladies!!! |
 A little helper in the Lab |
On Saturday December 10, 2011 Dr. Crofut welcomed the Tigers Den 2 and 4, Pack 248 to the office. The Boy Scouts ages 6 and 7 completed their service badge with a behind the scenes glimpse of our dental world. Armed with gloves and great big smiles the Scouts finished their visit with a special project created by Dr. Crofut especially for them. |
Dentistry doesn't stand still and neither do we!! Our profession is constantly evolving to better meet the needs of our patients. So, on November 2-4th 2011, Dr. Crofut together with her team, took a break from the office to attend 3 days of lectures and seminars spanning from dental specialties to practice management techniques. The 34th annual Buffalo Niagara Dental Meeting sponsored by the University at Buffalo Dental Alumni Association was a huge success!
On June 8, 2011 Govenor Cuomo signed legislation requiring all dental offices in the state of New York to have an automated external defibrillator (A.E.D.) on-site. Automated external defibrillators are life saving devices that are used to shock the heart in order to reinstate a rhythm if the heart is in cardiac arrest. In addition, all Dentists in New York State are required to be certified in CPR which includes training on the use of A.E.D.
As required, Dr. Crofut and her team have completed A.E.D. training and are certified in CPR. The Zoll AED Plus, the first and only full-rescue AED for adults and children with real CPR Help Technology is located on-site.
Though rare, life-threatening medical emergencies can and do occur in dental environments. As your health care provider, be assured, we are trained and prepared to recognize and properly manage patients (and guests) who are experiencing medical emergencies in our dental office.