Oral Cancer Cause
Oral Cancer Cause Raises Awareness and Educates Patients about Oral Cancer
In 2013 Dr. Crofut reaffirmed her commitment to fighting oral cancer through awareness, education and early detection. Dr. Crofut happily supports Oral Cancer Cause, a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to improve the quality of life for oral cancer patients through financial support so that they may face the world with peace and dignity during and after medical treatment.
Oral cancer is one of the fastest growing cancers in the U.S. and will be diagnosed in more than 40,000 Americans this year alone. When caught early, the survival rate can be as high as 90 percent. However, oral cancer is a silent and often aggressive killer that typically progresses without physical symptoms. As such, more than half of the cases are not detected until later stages, when survival rates plummet to as low as 20 percent.
Dentists are the first line of defense against oral cancer. That is why Dr. Crofut and her team advocate for and provide their patients with bi-annual screenings. Said Dr. Crofut, "By lending our voice to raising national awareness about this silent killer and educating our patients on the lifesaving potential of regular screenings, our team takes oral cancer and early detection very seriously." They share a belief that everyone should have a thorough bi-annual screening to ensure cancer is identified at its most treatable stage.
An oral cancer screening in Dr. Crofut's office is a free, short, painless exam during which she examines the inside of the mouth to check for red or white patches and/or mouth sores. She will also feel the neck and the tissues in the mouth to check for lumps and other abnormalities. If you notice any sores, ulcers, growths, tissue color changes or swelling that lasts over two weeks, please call our office today for assistance.

Visit http://oralcancercause.org/ for more information on Oral Cancer Cause